
Seedbox Giant Biohost sold to a new owner

Biohost.info which started in august of 2008 was one of the first successful seedbox companies out there, despite some negative reviews Biohost grew drastically over the past two years reaching a client base of just over three thousand active clients. I sold the company to an individual which does not want to be named for $65,000.00 dollars US in a cash sale on Friday at the Edmonton international airport. As the former owner Mike Boutin (A grade seven dropout) I was very proud of Biohost being my first very successful project. A little back story of it: My first money making idea was what many people do today and started a porn site and advertising on several porn forums using deposit files earning a meagerly $7 per 1000 downloads. When the DMCA police came after me and a few other porn sites we (the owners) decided to hatch a plan and buy a dedicated server in the netherlands and I was the one who was to purchase it and have the others pay me, well everyone but me pretty much bailed and I was left with this powerful dedicated server. So I basically decided to toss cPanel and torrentflux on it and sell it to people via forums like digital point and I had quite a bit of business and quickly learned this was way more profitable then a porn site. So basically as Biohost grew I hired quite a few staff members and in total had seven people working for me before the change of owners. I wish the new owner the best of luck as I have four chronic disorders (Ulcerative colitis, Chrons, Cushings syndrome and degenerative disc disease) and just need time to rest.

Also in the past month that this has occurred there have been some set backs that will be all followed up to and fixed within the week I'm told.


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