
HDME - turns 3

Hooray! We have made it through another year!

There are a few goodies coming up at the beginning of March!

First 3 days of March invites are open.

First 3 days of March will be double upload credit for uploads.

First 3 days of March will be Free Down Time.

On the 4th of March the bonus points system will be changing. Now users can receive 1 point per torrent for up to 5 torrents. The cost of Upload GB bonus items will increase by X2.5, while all other items will increase by X2.25


  1. The signup page says

    The current user account limit (30,000) has been reached. Inactive accounts are pruned all the time, please check back again later...

  2. "First 3 days of March invites are open."

    But when one goes to the signup page it says

    "The current user account limit (30,000) has been reached. Inactive accounts are pruned all the time, please check back again later..."
