On November 14th, 2007 we celebrated having reached the notable milestone of 30,000 torrents. That same day, mere hours earlier, we had announced Gazelle. Still running tbdev, and very much in the shadow of OiNK, we were nonetheless proud of having found our feet and were ready to look forward to the future. That future, whilst optimistic, didn't fully anticipate the dedication and love that has since been shown by staff and users alike. Fifteen days later we had added another 20,000 torrents to the site, and after that we never stopped. The 100,000, 200,000, 300,000, 500,000 and 700,000 torrent milestones all fell in time, with one clear number always in the back of our minds. Could a torrent site, especially one with a focus on music, reach one million torrents? Today, just over three years after the site's conception, we can say conclusively that such an achievement is possible. It's been hard, and has taken thousands of hours work. Friends have been made, arguments resolved, software developed and torrents uploaded all with one goal in mind: to make What.CD the greatest free repository of music on the internet, accessible to as many people as possible.
One million torrents is not the end, that much is obvious. However it is a stop on the way, a marker as to how far this site, and this community, has come. It's a milestone worth celebrating, something real that indicates just how much has been given by each and every member and something that serves to show, even in the light of the RIAAs propaganda, that filesharing can produce something great.
We still have a lot to achieve, but for today we should allow ourselves time to look back over the past three and a bit years. All the staff would like to extend our greatest thanks to you all for supporting the site, for uploading, and for making What.CD into what it is today. The energy and devotion that we've seen is nothing less than humbling.
Powered by -- it's got us this far.
Now, onto some surprises and other business!
The 1,000,001th Torrent
It's only fair to celebrate the straw that broke the camel's back. Well, we were going to celebrate the one before it, but it was a dupe. So you get this one instead. Congratulations puffington, and enjoy this torrent on freeleech
Some Great Users
Since the beginning of the month there has been a stunning push to reach the 1 Million goal. This work is deserving of reward, and we've decided to give the Top 10 uploaders in this period staff picks (PM Theseus for the relevant information), with 999999 also receiving VIP for his stellar efforts. We'd also like to give sjo a pick to thank her for her effort, both in bringing the community together for this and for uploading a great number of perfect FLACS in the last month and lowstrife one for his work in galvanising the community.
The top 10 uploaders of torrents since the beginning of the month are as follows:
| Username | count(t.ID) |
| 9........... | 1225 |
| b............. | 581 |
| N................ | 478 |
| k............ | 469 |
| M....... | 455 |
| F......... | 450 |
| j.......... | 336 |
| j.......... | 328 |
| N........... | 324 |
| s............ | 311 |
1 Million Bytes!
It's only fair for us to give something back, and so we've decided to go all out. Each and every user's upload total, and all request bounties, have had 1 MILLION BYTES added to them! Truly an act of generosity.
A Request Filling Contest!
1 Million torrents just isn't enough for us, we want more! We've seen a great many new requests as a result of lowering the tax, and also an amazing amount of bounty added. Now is the time to do something about those requests. Starting within the next week will be a substantial request filling contest, so now is a good time to start preparing.
You will be awarded points per accurate fill, as follows:
3 Points for filling a request over 1 year old
2 Points for filling a request between 6 months and 1 year old
1 Point for filling a request under 6 months old
The first 3 winners will all receive some great prizes, as will another 2 selected randomly from the top 10. As well as that, everyone who fills at least one point-earning request during the contest will be entered into a draw, with the 3 users picked also being included in the prize giving!
A CSS creation contest
It's been over a year since we implemented a new CSS, and even longer since there was a concerted effort to get some new ones! As such it's time for a contest to bring some new ones in!
The rules are simple, and as follows
* Stylesheets must be compatible with recent versions of both Chrome and Firefox
* Stylesheets may not be offensive
* Stylesheets must be original work
* Multiple entries may be submitted.
* Submissions must be in by 11:59PM site time on the 22/01/2011
The staff will then select the best 10, and put them to a community vote to find the winner. There will prizes for everyone who makes the final shortlist of 10, additional prizes for the top three after the community vote, and one random prize to another entrant.
Furthermore, anyone who chooses to help maintain or bugfix one of our current selection of stylesheets and provides a finished and complete will also be rewarded. Anyone taking on EyeCandy deserves a medal, but it would be greatly appreciated.
Entries go in this thread - forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=117420
The Mystery Box
It's still a mystery! But I would recommend putting the link to your favourite album in.
Personal Collages Expansion
Personal Collages have, since their creation, been limited to Elites+ and Donors. However, to express our thanks for all the work that Power Users have put into the site, we're now expanding them to be open to Donors and Power Users+.
Celebratory Stylesheet
karlbright was kind enough to knock us up a quick stylesheet modification to celebrate the occasion.
Once you're tired of this stylesheet, you can change it back to what you had before by clicking on the edit profile button.
And finally...
Staff Picks:
As we reach the end of 2010, we have put together a list of themed staff picks. All these picks are albums released this year. While they may not be the staff member's favourite album, they are something special from a great year in music. Enjoy!
.....bleblebleblebleble ............
What.cd - A million!
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