++ PiSexy.The.Final.Word.The.Final.TakeDown.Finally.The.Truth-PiMPiE ++
## INFO ##
## ##
## This notice is a long time in the making and I don't even know where
## to begin to be honest. Theres so much to say about the past 6 years
## that Pisexy has existed. Lets start off with a history lesson shall
## we? Pimpie, the owner of Pisexy was originally a developer for a
## well-known site called 123Torrents (later renamed TiT [TorrentIt]),
## things were good there for a while, till Pimpie and a few other
## uploaders/members abandoned that ship and started their own site as
## "revenge" called ABCTorrents later renamed Pisexy. There some low-level
## drama happened, Wild from WildBytes a great person, found out that
## Pimpie was having his duplicate site accounts in draws and "winning"
## them so he didnt have to give the rightful winners any prizes. Wild
## also from talking to Pimpie learned of how he cleared $10,000/month
## (and this was back in 2005, most big sites can clear that easily these
## days but back in the day, $10,000 from a torrent site was incredible).
## Wild left and started his own site, which operated properly and was
## run legitimately. Pimpie kept exploiting his users and the site itself
## into a money maker. One year a thirteen week draw was held, for dvd
## boxsets and then finally a gaming laptop, over 23,000 tickets were sold
## to the userdatabase at the time of 28,000 users at 5 usd each,
## $115,000 USD in about 3 months. On top of their draws at pisexys peak,
## it had a stable 1500 users on a VIP subscription at 7.95 for the first
## month and 12 USD recurring every 30 days. So $11925 in the pocket and
## $18000/month so from VIP subscriptions their total was over $227,000+
## just from VIP subscriptions. But the site has gone downhill since its
## peak, it went from around 30,000 users to around 10. This has drastically
## reduced the amount of income that pimpie received so they did the next
## best thing. Since the site now contained around 10,000 long time stable
## members, it was time to take them for all they had. Lets fake a death now
## everyone. On August 26th if I recall correctly, Pimpie faked his death and
## had the users of his site pay for his "fake funeral" but this actually went
## to the new led tv he purchased, the users of the site have trusted in Pisexy
## for a long time and have not had any reason to not trust pisexy and this was
## their fall. Pimpie has cleared over half a million dollars thanks to PiSexy's
## total possible database size of over 240,000 users over 6 yrs, and he got away.
## Still think pimpie is dead? Err call his house #, ask for Robert, he answered.
## I've already called and gotten ahold of him, this is just incredibly sad, that no
## one has taken the chance to phone him.
## Domain name: Pisexy.org
## Domain name: robertfrans.com
## Domain name: megaxxxlist.com
## Domain name: cumtation.com
## Domain name: fransbrosgroup.com
## Domain name: justhorny.com
## Domain name: familyfrans.com
## Inac int.
## Robert Frans (InternalActivation@hotmail.com)
## +46.739176735
## Fax: none
## skattegarden 104
## linkoping, OS 58648
## SE
## Robert Frans (Robert.Se@bredband.net)
## +46.739176735
## Fax: +1.5555555555
## skattegarden 104
## linkoping, OS 58648
## SE
## Wuxxx.com
## Robert Frans (Robert.Se@bredband.net)
## +46.739176735
## Fax: +1.5555555555
## skattegarden 104
## linkoping, OS 58648
## SE
## FBG
## Leona Sundin (leona@familyfrans.com)
## Fax:
## skattegarden 57
## linkoping, P 58648
## SE
## network:Class-Name:network
## network:Auth-Area:
## network:Network-Name:SOFTLAYER-
## network:IP-Network:
## network:IP-Network-Block:
## network:Organization;I:Robert frans
## network:Street-Address:Skattegarden 104
## network:City:Linkoping
## network:State:ot
## network:Postal-Code:58648
## network:Country-Code:SE
## Pisexy's Web, Database, and Tracker server are hosted in Vancouver, British Columbia, by NetNation.
## William a fantastic uploader, also known as TownDrunk and Princess, is addicted to cocaine, why?
## Because of pimpie, he found Williams weakness, and makes him sit at home uploading instead of working, having a life,
## and pays him to run the site which ofc he uses on Cocaine to stay alert all day.
## Ricochet is a power hungry little pusshole, he doesnt have the respect of any of the staff,
## he thinks he is all power and mighty but everyone just laughs at him, like the time he posted a picture of a really bad
## snow day and said it was his neighbourhood, only to shown by another member that its not his neighbour its something he stole
## off the internet ahaha, also the time he thought Scene Releases should have a bitrate attached and if not, it should be the uploaders job
## to get it and add it to the description.. dude who are you kidding? its a scene release. Some staffers left after that
## and made their own site, TheCandyStore? It was a failure of course, the staff on Pisexy have no idea how to properly run a site.
## Respects to the good guys of PiSexy though, William of course, MaxTheSilent, Wild, Sturner16, JackDaniels, Zeustke165, etc. You know who you are..
## EXTRA ##
## ##
## Leona used to work in Amsterdam at a Sex Club.. I told you I know ##
## everything ##
## ##
## GREETS ##
## ##
## 6 Ex and Current Pisexy Members, EST 2004 ##
## ##
##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%silence, max is here..;)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##
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