Pirate City News - 14 October 2010
1. Assistant Coder Required
2. Invite Thread Thank You
3. Donators Benefits Have Been Increased
4. Accounts - Use It or Lose It
5. OST Party Contest
Assistant Coder Required
We are looking for an assistant coder to join and assist our senior coders and who, in time, would like to and is able to & willing to join our coding team on a more consistent & full time basis.
So how does one join as our assistant coder(s)?
1. You must have a working knowledge of PHP/MySql or other TB Dev Mods and be able to demonstrate your previous experience/work to our senior coders/site owners.
2. You must be known to at least 1 member of the staff team/coding team here, or have references that can be verified of your work.
3. Send a StaffPM,or PM Superclover or myself, or alternatively PM your chosen staff member who will vouch for you and who will put your name forward to the rest of the staff team for consideration.
You can discuss this Here
Invite Thread Thank You
As a thank you to the majority of you, our fantastic members, for all that you do for us here, and especially as a thank you to those that have volunteered information, we at PtN have decided to show our appreciation by giving an invite to our most active participative members by just asking for one - yes mamdosc, it is that simple - just ask.
Remember, invites are free, and always will be free and to show that we mean what we say, this is your opportunity to invite your best friend into PtN, so we are opening a thread where any member who posts "I have been a good member and I have downloaded & seeded torrents recently", will get an invite as a showing of our appreciation into making PtN what it is today and helping to improve to what it can be tomorrow.
If you haven't been active in the last month, and by active we mean downloading & seeding back to the rules, then staff reserve the right to refuse or just ignore your application, this event is to reward good members with recent torrent activity - exactly what a torrent site is all about
Please ask for your invite Here
Donators Benefits Have Been Increased
Please check the Donate Page for the new rewards, we will be increasing them further as soon as we can.
Also, if you donated in September 2010 - then post here and we will increase your gold to the new amount - thanks.
Accounts - Use It or Lose It
In roughly 4 weeks time we will be taking a close look at each members account, especially looking at our junior members accounts.
But, before we get round to your account, this is your chance to use it or lose it.
I can confirm that the following will soon be implemented:
If you (swabbies) have never downloaded anything, 0 data, then after 1 month here you will be disabled.
If you (swabbies only) have not downloaded anything for any single month here after your last download you will be disabled.
If you (not VIP+) do not log in for 6 weeks - then you will be disabled (can always be restored by contact with staff)
If you (Deckhand+) have not downloaded for 12 months, and not seeding - then you will be disabled (can always be restored by contact with staff)
The best way to keep your account alive here is to use it and get yourself promoted.
If I was you I would take a note of the irc & support email right now, forewarned is forearmed.
OST Party Contest
I would like to bring to your attention another contest run by our erstwhile gibo (what a fantastic job he does - we had the pleasure of promoting him to Gunner recently for all that he does - he is a credit to himself & PtN - thank you very much for all that you do).
So what contest is this - and OST Party Contest - read all about Here
So - till the next time, happy pirating everyone
PTN - Pirate City News - 14 October 2010
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